Let op: Vanaf 12 maart 2025 zijn de praktijken bereikbaar via een nieuw centraal nummer: 035 750 2935.

Uw zorg online

New website en patient portal Uw zorg online

Dear patient of Medical Center Bussum Zuid,

As you read in our previous email, we want to continue providing you with good care now and in the future. To achieve this, we will be making some changes. One of the changes is that a new website will be launched. We also want to make more use of an online patient environment called 'Uw Zorg Online'. In this email, we provide more information about this and invite you to start using Uw Zorg Online.

Uw Zorg Online is available in both an app version and a web version. You can download the app version from the well-known app stores for your mobile device. You can access the web version on the website www.mcbz.nl by clicking on the red button 'patiƫntenomgeving' and then selecting your own GP. You can then log in with DigiD or with a username and password. Our advice is to log in via DigiD unless you have already created an account. In that case, you can continue to log in with your username and password. It is not possible to log in with your DigiD if you have already created an account. If you need help logging in or have technical questions about the digital environment, you can contact the digital care helpdesk at 085-1304575 or helpdeskdigitalezorg.nl or ask for help at the library in Bussum.

With the transition to a new website, some options from the old website will be discontinued, such as 'ask questions' and 'request repeat medication'. Fortunately, these options have a place in the online patient environment, so it remains possible to ask a digital question, make a digital appointment, and request a repeat prescription digitally.

In Uw Zorg Online, you have the following options:

  • Dossier: view medical records.
  • Recepten/Prescriptions: request repeat prescriptions.
  • Afspraken/Appointments: overview of open appointments and the ability to schedule an appointment at the practice. Before making an appointment, you can first go through the questionnaire on moetiknaardedokter.nl. Based on this, you will receive advice for a good next step. A limited number of consultation slots are available via Uw Zorg Online. If you think an appointment is necessary sooner, please contact the practice by phone.
  • Berichten/Messages: ask a (short medical) question to your healthcare provider. In the GP practice, this is also known as eConsult. You will receive a notification when your healthcare provider has answered your question.
  • Zelfmetingen/Self-measurements: after consultation with the GP or POH, you can share data such as blood pressure, blood sugar, or weight with us.
  • Uitslagen/Results: view the results of an examination. You can ask your GP or the assistant if they can add the advice to it. This way, you can read it yourself at a time that suits you and you do not have to call the practice.

When you contact us via Uw Zorg Online, the question goes directly into your file. It is therefore important to log in with your own account or Digid. If you have a question for a family member, you ask this question in the environment of the relevant family member. Unfortunately, it is not possible to create an account for children under 16 years old. For them, you can contact the practice by phone.

We want you to know that as a team, we aim to help you as best as possible. We ask for your patience and trust in the expertise of our staff. Together, we ensure that every patient receives the right care in the right place.

Kind regards,
Team Medical Center Bussum Zuid

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